Snake's Artillery

I've been always annoyed and not very interested in little water guns, until one day. A friend of mine bought a Super Soaker CPS 2000 and from that day I wanted to have such a beast. So some weeks later I got a CPS 2500 and could not stop myself getting some more of those toys. So here you find a gallery of my water artillery. You can find information about all water guns of the Super Soaker series on which is the best source of information about Super Soakers I know of and where I got the technical specs from.
Click images below to enlarge.
Some of my artillery at home.
all 4 all-h

Some of my and other people weapons right before a big battle.
(See the red leather bag on the left, it holds 15 liters and can be connected to any CPS gun,.
on the right you can see a Monster XL)
before the battle

Nausicaans like Super Soakers!
The first battle with my CPS2500 at a Startrek LARP.
armed Nausicaan

Super Soakers are much more effective than Star Fleet weaponry :-)
Nausicaan against Starfleet
It's the smallest of the 3 Monster models.
It had a broken trigger (same problem as I had with CPS2500).
(In the meantime I got a new one and got the old repaired)
(Tech. specifications)
CPS 3000

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(Tech. specifications)

CPS 3200
The one with the biggest water reservoire (8 liters).
Instead of the backpack you can also connect a garden hose directly to the soaker's hose and then you don't even need to pump, but have limited mobility of course.
(Tech. specifications)
Monster X
Finally my Monster X arrived.
(It took more than 6 weeks from somewhere around San Jose, California to Munich, Germany.)
Monster X
Currently my favorite one, though it has not the brute force water beam
of a CPS 2x00 or CPS 3x00.
There is also another version with different colors from 2002. That one is black where the other has chrome. I have both of them, picture of the black will come soon.
I also have a keychain version of this. (pic will follow).
(Tech. specifications)
CPS 1000
(Tech. specifications)
CPS 1200
There are two different versions of this gun.
The 2000 edition has a yellow color where the 2001 is chrome-like. The picture shows the 2001 version.
(Tech. specifications)
CPS 1500
It's smaller than a CPS2500 and has only 2 different nozzle settings (5x and 10x),
but it has almost the same abilities (power, range, tank volume).
(Tech. specifications)
CPS 1700
This is basically the same gun as the CPS 1500,
but it has different colors.
(Tech. specifications)
CPS 2700
This one looks like the newer small MAX D-x000 guns,
but it's much bigger than those and has almost the power of a CPS2500.
It also has the same 3 nozzle settings (which are a bit hard to reach).
There is also a version of this gun with different colors
(same yellow tank and pink handle, but chrome like frame, picture will follow soon).
(Tech. specifications)
CPS 4100
Almost the same gun like the Monster, but different colors
and no quick filler nozzle.
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Special Edition WWF Undertaker
The best looking one (although one of the smallest CPS).
Though it has not the drenching capability of the bigger guns, it has a nice long duration shot.
There's also a Steve "Stone Cold" Austin version.
Both are also CPS based like the bigger ones.
(Tech. specifications)
Special Edition WWF Stone Cold

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Same shooting capability as the Undertaker version.
(Tech. specifications)
Special Edition Star Wars Battle droid rifle

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This is no CPS based gun, but I made an exception because it looks cool.
(Tech. specifications)
CPS 2500
My first one (and probably the best CPS Super Soaker ever produced).
For 2 years it was of of order, the trigger was broken. Now the above mentioned friend repaired it for me.
I also have a keychain version of this. (pic will follow).
(Tech. specifications)
CPS 2000
The mother of all CPS based super soakers from 1996.
It has the hardest shot of all (and sometimes really hurts).
There are 2 different versions of it, called MkI and MkII.
The Mk1 version has a bigger pressure chamber, which of course gives more power and range.
It was produced only for about 3 months, because it hit really too hard to let kids play with it.
(Tech. specifications)
CPS 2100
(Tech. specifications)
A Bazooka-like watergun.
It has no pump, it's only driven by the water pressure of a hose.
Not tested yet.
(Tech. specifications)
Monster XL
Monster XL Monster XL - Front
The biggest one of all, period (according to Guiness Book of Records).
This beast is heavy, really heavy.
Even with an empty reservoir it's heavier than many other CPS guns when filled.
(Tech. specifications)
CPS 1-3-5
CPS 1-3-5
It has about the same size and shape like the CPS 1500,
but it has not the same shooting power.
Instead it has another funny feature:
Depending on how hard you press the trigger either one, 3 or all 5 nozzles shoot in different directions.
(Tech. specifications)
SC 500
SC 500
This is one of the CPS guns which don't have the 'CPS' in their name,
though they still have base CPS technology. The 'SC' comes from supercharger
because they have a quick-filler nozzle.
(Tech. specifications)
SC 600
SC 600
The "little bit bigger" brother of the SC500 and also CPS based.
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Arctic Shock

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Not a CPS-based gun, but equipped with another special feature:
In the lower tank there is an ice container, so you can fire really cold water.
(Tech. specifications)
Aquapack Devastator

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Aquapack Devastator
Storm Monsoon Force 4
Storm Monsoon Force4
I got this gun for free together with my Monster.
It's no original Super Soaker, it just looks like.
It shoots like XP 270 or similar, but the funny thing about it,
is the light beam it emits. Looks quite science fiction like.

XP 105
I haven't used it yet, it's probably broken.
I got it for free together with my first CPS2000.
(Tech. specifications)
Water guns I DON'T have, but will get if I get them cheap enough:
  • Piranha
  • SC Big Trouble
  • Water Warriors Blazer
  • Aquashock Artic Blast
  • Contact me, if you have one or more of them for sale.>

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